Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Selfish: (adj) caring only for oneself.
Do you ever feel like your selfish? Does that definition fit you sometimes? Well, it does for me. I use the word "I" too much. If every charity in the world got a dollar every time I used the that word while talking to people, the world would be a much much better place... People will tell me things about them and I always feel like I need to relate what theyre telling me to myself. Then I tell them exactly what I'm thinking and it's about me. I feel awful every time I do this but I can't help it. I've tried to stop, but it's really hard once your in the habit. So I've decided to give myself a one week challenge, I'm only going to use that word fifty times or less everyday for the rest of the week. And see how that works out, and during that time I can think more about others.
So next order of business, more f***ing snow -_(\ it's getting totally out of hand. Our last day of school is now June 20th as opposed to the 14th which is what it should have been if it weren't for all these storms attacking us up here. And every storm is always in the middle of the week, none on the weekends, or even on a Monday, they are always on either wednesday or thursday. So we always miss school and we're always going to have to make it up in the end of the year, except the seniors in the school of course, since they graduate before that time. However, I did here that they are going to move their grad date back a few days :)
I have to go help shovel now. Hooray...

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