Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Again...Back to Reality, But Multiplied by 10

Well, let's start this ending of an awkward silence with a brief overview of my February "mid-winter" vacation. Monday: dance, then more dance. Tuesday: Stayed home all day. Wednesday: Stayed home all day. Thursday: (you guessed it) stayed home all day. Friday: Mall with my hockey buddy :D Saturday: dance, then home once again to do nothing. and finally, Sunday: stayed home, attempted to do homework, got bored, did not accomplish anything. So over all you can tell that that week, for lack of a better word, sucked. And now on to my week of "fun."
Monday: school 7-2, musical rehearsal 2-4, lacrosse practice 4-6, dance 6-7:30. Surprisingly it turns out that has been my best day so far this week! Everything was going perfectly that day, made everything on time and when I got home I got some much needed sleep because I was completely exhausted from moving all day. Now, Tuesday: school, LEO club, lax practice, getting new lax equipment Not too bad, not too bad at all. Actually it was kind of refreshing. LEO club was boring, practice was a piece of cake because we didn't run, and I got brand spanking new pads for the oh so pricey price of $500. I felt pretty bad about that... but only for a brief time. Now, let's move on to today. Wednesday: school, then practice. I know what your thinking, it's, "well, that's only two things, on Monday you were doing like 5," but you'd be wrong, oh so wrong. School was a breeze, but practice, how I regret eating like a pig all winter and never exercising. The beginning, super tough. From the push ups, to the sit ups, to the six inches and anything horrible you can think of all in the small time frame of 20 minutes, man, I couldn't feel my abs after all that crap. Middle of practice, easy enough, I do, however, have to get my head back in the game. I stopped less than half of the shots, a quarter of them at most, and those were the girls who don't know how to play's shots. :P So anyway, all in all my entire body is in pain while I wait for the Aspirin to kick in. Which means I should be getting some sleep, as much as I don't want to be.

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